quarta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2011

Petrobras anuncia nova descoberta no pré-sal

A Petrobras anunciou hoje mais uma descoberta no pré-sal, na bacia de Santos.
Abaixo, a nota oficial da companhia :

Rio de Janeiro, February 15th, 2011 – Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras announces the discovery of a new accumulation of good quality oil (26º API) in the Santos Basin pre-salt reservoirs.

The discovery resulted from drilling well 4-BRSA-818 (4-RJS-668), named Macunaíma, at a water depth of 2,134 meters, located in the 1-RJS -617D (Parati) assessment area and 244 km off the coast of Rio de Janeiro State.

The discovery was confirmed through oil logging via cable test in the reservoirs located at a depth of about 5,680 meters.

Petrobras is the operator of the consortium for the exploration of block BM-S-10 (65%), which is also composed of BG Group (25%) and Partex Brasil (10%).

The consortium will continue the activities and investments necessary to assess the deposits discovered in this area as per the Evaluation Plan approved by the National Petroleum Regulator (ANP), the completion of which is expected to take place in April of 2012.

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